20201119 DNA RNA Extractions Porites July Bleaching Experiment

Project: Porites Bleaching 2019


To test DNA and RNA extractions on adult Porites astreoides samples for the Porites Bleaching 2019 experiment using this protocol.


Today I am using 10 adult P. astreoides samples that were snap frozen in the field. All of these samples are whole fragments that are stored at -80°C.

Vial # Timepoint Coral ID
47 A4 R26
48 A4 R40
49 A4 R19
50 A4 R17
51 A2 R17
52 A2 R29
53 A2 R37
54 A1 R32
55 A1 R36
56 A1 R7

Quantify Results

I ran all QC with 20201120 extractions.


To test DNA quantity: Qubit

I used DNA and RNA broad range.

  DNA (ng/uL) RNA (ng/uL)
Standard 1 187.02 388.57
Standard 2 19924.95 9702.05
47 18.6 15.8
48 17.6 10.4
49 18.2 21.8
50 10.8 LOW
51 20.8 14.0
52 16.1 10.0
53 16.3 12.6
54 31.6 27.0
55 20.6 16.2
56 41.2 25.2


To test DNA quality: Gel Electrophoresis



Summary: Summary

Full TapeStation report can be found here

Written on November 19, 2020