20201202 DNA RNA Extractions Porites July Bleaching Experiment

Project: Porites Bleaching 2019


To test DNA and RNA extractions on adult Porites astreoides samples for the Porites Bleaching 2019 experiment using this protocol.


Today I am using 3 adult P. astreoides samples that were snap frozen in the field. All of these samples are whole fragments that are stored at -80°C. I am re-doing samples that previosly failed QC.

Vial # Timepoint Coral ID
87 A4 R26
88 A1 R40
89 A4 R17

Quantify Results


To test DNA quantity: Qubit

I used DNA and RNA broad range.

  DNA (ng/uL) RNA (ng/uL)
Standard 1 196.44 403.22
Standard 2 20979.74 9029.75
87 14.6 13.2
88 23.8 33.8
89 16.0 25.4


To test DNA quality: Gel Electrophoresis



Summary: Summary

Full TapeStation report can be found here

Written on December 3, 2020