20201221 BUSCO on P. astreoides transcriptome assembly

Project: Porites Genome Assembly


Assessing the completness of our transcriptome assembly from Trinity using BUSCO. The pipeline used for running BUSCO on Bluewaves can be found here.

Moving the trinity_5 output from sgurr repository to kwong

cp -R trinity_5 ../../../kwong/20201221_P.astreoides_Ref_Transcriptome/`

Had to change my directory name to match my username

mv kwong kevin_wong1

Running BUSCO on assembled reference transcriptome

sbatch -o ~/%u-%x.%j.out -e ~/%u-%x.%j.err \ --export query=/data/putnamlab/kevin_wong1/20201221_P.astreoides_Ref_Transcriptome/trinity_5/trinity_out_dir.Trinity.fasta \ /data/putnamlab/shared/busco/scripts/run-busco.sh

Submitted batch job 1814358

Written on December 21, 2020