20210104 BUSCO on P. astreoides transcriptome assembly
Project: Porites Genome Assembly
Assessing the completness of our transcriptome assembly from Trinity using BUSCO. The pipeline used for running BUSCO on Bluewaves can be found here.
This script had to be re-run with a new shell script to specifify transcriptome mode for BUSCO
Making the new shell script in transcriptome mode
nano run-busco-transcriptome.sh
#SBATCH --job-name="busco"
#SBATCH --time="100:00:00"
#SBATCH --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --mem=250G
##SBATCH --output="busco-%u-%x-%j"
##SBATCH --account=putnamlab
##SBATCH --export=NONE
echo "START" $(date)
[ -z "$query" ] && query="${labbase}/REFS/Past/Past_genome_filtered_v1_Genewiz.fasta" # set this to the query (genome/transcriptome) you are running
[ -z "$db_to_compare" ] && db_to_compare="${busco_shared}/downloads/lineages/metazoa_odb10"
source "${busco_shared}/scripts/busco_init.sh" # sets up the modules required for this in the right order
# we require the agustus_config/ directory copied to a "writetable" location for
# busco to run and AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH set to that
if [ ! -d "${labbase}/${USER}/agustus_config" ] ; then
echo -e "Copying agustus_config/ to ${labbase}/${USER} .. "
tar -C "${labbase}/${USER}" -xzf "${busco_shared}/agustus_config.tgz"
echo done
export AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH="${labbase}/${USER}/agustus_config"
# This will generate output under your $HOME/busco_output
cd "${labbase}/${USER}"
busco --config "${busco_shared}/scripts/busco-config.ini" -f -c 20 --long -i "${query}" -l "${db_to_compare}" -o busco_output -m transcriptome
echo "STOP" $(date)
Running BUSCO on assembled reference transcriptome
sbatch -o ~/%u-%x.%j.out -e ~/%u-%x.%j.err \
--export query=/data/putnamlab/kevin_wong1/20201221_P.astreoides_Ref_Transcriptome/trinity_5/trinity_out_dir.Trinity.fasta \
Submitted batch job 1816763
Results (20210106)
# BUSCO version is: 4.0.6
# The lineage dataset is: metazoa_odb10 (Creation date: 2019-11-20, number of species: 65, number of BUSCOs: 954)
# Summarized benchmarking in BUSCO notation for file /data/putnamlab/kevin_wong1/20201221_P.astreoides_Ref_Transcriptome/trinity_5/trinity_$
# BUSCO was run in mode: transcriptome
***** Results: *****
205 Complete BUSCOs (C)
139 Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)
66 Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)
344 Fragmented BUSCOs (F)
405 Missing BUSCOs (M)
954 Total BUSCO groups searched
Written on January 4, 2021