20210121 Nanodrop results on Tag-Seq samples

Project: Porites Bleaching 2019


Testing the purity of extracted RNA from 4 Porites astreoides and 3 geoduck samples (from S. Gurr). For the blank I used 2 different Ultra Pure H20: (1) was from the RNA bench which was used for the dilution for Tag-Seq, and (2) an unopened bottle. “-1” indicates (1) water was used for the blank and “-2” indicates (2) water was used for the blank.


Sample A260/280 A260/230 Concentration (ng/uL) Species
44-1 1.98 0.51 13.32 P astreoides
44-2 2.10 0.5 13.56 P astreoides
32-1 1.98 0.65 39.69 P astreoides
32-2 1.97 0.64 40.31 P astreoides
15-1 1.83 0.69 27.73 P astreoides
15-2 1.89 0.68 27.54 P astreoides
43-1 2.01 0.52 25.02 P astreoides
43-2 2.17 0.48 23.27 P astreoides
1495-1 1.68 0.76 35.23 Geoduck
1495-2 1.72 0.75 33.76 Geoduck
1554-1 2.12 1.98 182.6 Geoduck
1554-2 2.16 1.98 182.0 Geoduck
1510-1 2.12 0.57 177.6 Geoduck
1510-2 2.12 0.58 180.2 Geoduck

The graphs can be found here.


  • The water did not contribute to the potential contamination in the RNA
  • All of the P. astreoides samples look similar to the nanodrop results at the sequencing center
  • 2 of the geoduck samples also looked like they were contaminated similarly to the P. astreoides samples
Written on January 21, 2021