20210401 WGBS PicoMethyl-seq library prep for Thermal Transplant Trial 1

Project: Thermal Transplant Molecular


First trial of WGBS library prep using the Zymo Pico Methyl-seq library prep kit and this protocol.

Sample dilution and mix calculations can be found on this google sheet


I am using a modified version of this protocol.

The only modification I made to this protocol was changing the input DNA from 1ng to 10ng. This worked in previous library preps performed by E. Strand and M. Schedl.

Samples and Indices

Sample Coral.ID Life Stage i5 index # i7 index #
18-358 P-10-A ADULT 1 1
18-20 R-7-B ADULT 2 2
L-933 P-10-A LARVAE 3 3

Qubit Results

To test DNA quantity: Qubit

I used the DNA broad range assay.

Sample DNA 1 (ng/ul) DNA 2 (ng/ul)
Standard 1 184.99  
Standard 2 19664.63  
18-358 (#1) 21.6 21.0
18-20 (#2) 12.2 11.8
L-933 (#3) 5.80 5.64

Tapestation Results

D5000 Tapestation protocol

Full Tapestation Report

KW #1 (18-358): 18-358

KW #2 (18-20): 18-358

KW #3 (L-933): L-933


Overall, this protocol worked, however there is PCR over-amplification. We will need to optimize the number number of PCR cycles to reduce this over-amplification.

Written on April 1, 2021