Airbrushing and Homogenizing Porites June Patch Adult Tissues

The goal of this protocol is to airbrush and homogenize adult P. astreoides fragments with PBS from the Porites Nutrition June 2019 project.


  1. Sample corals for metabolomics
    • Approximately 0.5cm chip in duplicates
    • 2 tubes and placed immediately back into the -80°C
  2. Airbrush coral with ice cold PBS (pH 7.4)
  3. Record volume
  4. Homogenize on ice with a standing rotor homogenizer
  5. Aliquot duplicates of 0.5mL per metric
    • Chl, zoox, protein, CS, TAC
    • Place in freezer
  6. Sterilize homogenizer and clippers
    • 10% Bleach, DI water wash 1, DI water wash 2, 70% Ethanol
  7. Place the skeleton in bleach for 24 hours, label, and quantify surface area.
Written on October 4, 2019