Testing CellRanger mitochondrial genome integration approaches for scRNAseq data


The goal of this post is to test two different ways of incorperating the mitochondrial genome into the reference when using CellRanger for scRNAseq analyses. Here, I will be testing 2 different approaches:

  1. Concatenating the two genomes and gtf files together
  2. Using the multigenome (barnyard) approach in CellRanger

I also have a version with no mitochondrial genome integration.

Converting mitogenome GFF3 file to GTF:

nano convert.job


#BSUB -J scSeq_convertGTF
#BSUB -q general
#BSUB -P dark_genes
#BSUB -n 6
#BSUB -W 12:00
#BSUB -u kxw755@earth.miami.edu
#BSUB -o convertGTF.out
#BSUB -e convertGTF.err


module load cufflinks/2.2.1 

gffread 2023_mitogenome_mle.gff3 -T -o 2023_mitogenome_mle.gtf

bsub < convert.job

Approach 1: Concatenate genome with mitochondrial genome

I will try and concatenate the genomes to then make the ref folder

cat Mle_F31_T2T_v3.fa mle_mitogenome.fasta > Mle_v3_cat.fasta

Check to see if it worked:

  • wc -l Mle_F31_T2T_v3.fa : 26
  • wc -l mle_mitogenome.fasta : 2
  • wc -l Mle_v3_cat.fasta : 28

cat Mle_F31_T2T_BrakerAnnotationFinal.gtf 2023_mitogenome_mle.gtf > Mle_v3_cat.gtf

Check to see if it worked:

  • wc -l Mle_F31_T2T_BrakerAnnotationFinal.gtf : 666602
  • wc -l 2023_mitogenome_mle.gtf : 14
  • wc -l Mle_v3_cat.gtf : 666616

Make cat reference

$ nano mkref_cat.job


#BSUB -J scSeq_mkref_mnemi
#BSUB -q general
#BSUB -P dark_genes
#BSUB -n 6
#BSUB -W 12:00
#BSUB -u kxw755@earth.miami.edu
#BSUB -o mnemi_mkref_cat.out
#BSUB -e mnemi_mkref_cat.err


cellranger mkref \
--genome=mnemi_v3_cat --fasta=Mle_v3_cat.fasta --genes=Mle_v3_cat.gtf

$ bsub < mkref_cat.job

I am getting an error:

mkref has failed: error building reference package
Error while parsing GTF file /scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/Mle_F31_T2T_genome/Mle_v3_cat.gtf
Property 'gene_id' not found in GTF line 666603: PG104_mtDNA_np1212     mitfi   exon    440     515     0.05    -       .       transcript_id "transcript_trnL2"; geneID "gene_trnL2";

Please fix your GTF and start again.

After looking at my other gtf file, I think I need to change to “geneID” to “gene_ID”

awk -v OFS='\t' '{ gsub("geneID", "gene_id", $9); print }' 2023_mitogenome_mle.gtf > 2023_mitogenome_mle2.gtf

Lets see if we can make the reference now

cat Mle_F31_T2T_BrakerAnnotationFinal.gtf 2023_mitogenome_mle2.gtf > Mle_v3_cat2.gtf

$ nano mkref_cat.job


#BSUB -J scSeq_mkref_mnemi
#BSUB -q general
#BSUB -P dark_genes
#BSUB -n 6
#BSUB -W 12:00
#BSUB -u kxw755@earth.miami.edu
#BSUB -o mnemi_mkref_cat.out
#BSUB -e mnemi_mkref_cat.err


cellranger mkref \
--genome=mnemi_v3_cat --fasta=Mle_v3_cat.fasta --genes=Mle_v3_cat2.gtf 

$ bsub < mkref_cat.job



nano count_R1_AllCells_v3_cat.job

#BSUB -J count_allcells
#BSUB -q bigmem
#BSUB -P dark_genes
#BSUB -n 16
#BSUB -W 120:00
#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=15000]"
#BSUB -u kxw755@earth.miami.edu
#BSUB -o count_allcells_cat.out
#BSUB -e count_allcells_cat.err

cellranger count \
 --id=AllCells_v3_cat \
 --transcriptome=/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/Mle_F31_T2T_genome/mnemi_v3_cat \
 --fastqs=/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells \

bsub < count_R1_AllCells_v3_cat.job


scp -r kxw755@pegasus.ccs.miami.edu:/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells/AllCells_v3_cat/outs/web_summary.html /Users/kevinwong/MyProjects/Mnemi_Phagocyte/output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_cat_web_summary.html

scp -r kxw755@pegasus.ccs.miami.edu:/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells/AllCells_v3_cat/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 /Users/kevinwong/MyProjects/Mnemi_Phagocyte/output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_cat_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5

scp -r kxw755@pegasus.ccs.miami.edu:/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells/AllCells_v3_cat/outs/metrics_summary.csv /Users/kevinwong/MyProjects/Mnemi_Phagocyte/output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_cat_metrics_summary.csv

Apporoach 2: Combining the genomes with the barnyard approach

Make the comb reference

$ nano mkref_comb.job


#BSUB -J scSeq_mkref_mnemi
#BSUB -q general
#BSUB -P dark_genes
#BSUB -n 6
#BSUB -W 12:00
#BSUB -u kxw755@earth.miami.edu
#BSUB -o mnemi_mkref_comb.out
#BSUB -e mnemi_mkref_comb.err


cellranger mkref \
--genome=mnemi_v3 --fasta=Mle_F31_T2T_v3.fa --genes=Mle_F31_T2T_BrakerAnnotationFinal.gtf \
--genome=mle_mitogenome --fasta=mle_mitogenome.fasta --genes=2023_mitogenome_mle2.gtf 

$ bsub < mkref_comb.job



nano count_R1_AllCells_v3_comb.job

#BSUB -J count_allcells
#BSUB -q bigmem
#BSUB -P dark_genes
#BSUB -n 16
#BSUB -W 120:00
#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=15000]"
#BSUB -u kxw755@earth.miami.edu
#BSUB -o count_allcells_comb.out
#BSUB -e count_allcells_comb.err

cellranger count \
 --id=AllCells_v3_comb \
 --transcriptome=/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/Mle_F31_T2T_genome/mnemi_v3_and_mle_mitogenome \
 --fastqs=/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells \

bsub < count_R1_AllCells_v3_comb.job


scp -r kxw755@pegasus.ccs.miami.edu:/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells/AllCells_v3_comb/outs/web_summary.html /Users/kevinwong/MyProjects/Mnemi_Phagocyte/output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_comb_web_summary.html

scp -r kxw755@pegasus.ccs.miami.edu:/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells/AllCells_v3_comb/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 /Users/kevinwong/MyProjects/Mnemi_Phagocyte/output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_comb_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5

scp -r kxw755@pegasus.ccs.miami.edu:/scratch/projects/dark_genes/Mnemi_phagocyte_genome3_analysis/10X_round1/Round1_AllCells/AllCells_v3_comb/outs/metrics_summary.csv /Users/kevinwong/MyProjects/Mnemi_Phagocyte/output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_comb_metrics_summary.csv

Seruat Analysis

Here I will perform the Seurat analysis until the QC step to see how many cells are removed based on mitochondrial reads.

Install and load dependencies

# Load packages

All Cells - no mito

Load the dataset

allcells.data <- Read10X_h5(filename = '../../output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5')

# Initialize the Seurat object with the raw (non-normalized data).
allcells <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = allcells.data, project = "AllCells", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)

QC and selecting cells for further analysis

# Visualize QC metrics as a violin plot
VlnPlot(allcells, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA"), ncol = 2)

# FeatureScatter is typically used to visualize feature-feature relationships, but can be used
# for anything calculated by the object, i.e. columns in object metadata, PC scores etc.

#plot1 <- FeatureScatter(allpop, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "percent.mt")
allcells_plot2 <- FeatureScatter(allcells, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")


#3444 cells

# subest for features > 200 and < 3000, counts < 20000
allcells_sub <- subset(allcells, subset = nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < 3000 & nCount_RNA < 10000)

#plot1_sub <- FeatureScatter(allpop_sub, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "percent.mt")
allcells_plot2_sub <- FeatureScatter(allcells_sub, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")


# 3224 cells

All Cells - concatenated

Load the dataset

allcells_cat.data <- Read10X_h5(filename = '../../output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_cat_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5')

# Initialize the Seurat object with the raw (non-normalized data).
allcells_cat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = allcells_cat.data, project = "AllCells_cat", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)

QC and selecting cells for further analysis

# The [[ operator can add columns to object metadata. This is a great place to stash QC stats

allcells_cat[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(allcells_cat, pattern = "^gene-")

# Visualize QC metrics as a violin plot
VlnPlot(allcells_cat, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "percent.mt"), ncol = 3)

allcells_cat_plot1 <- FeatureScatter(allcells_cat, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "percent.mt")
allcells_cat_plot2 <- FeatureScatter(allcells_cat, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")
allcells_cat_plot1 + allcells_cat_plot2


# 3335 cells 

# subest for features > 200 and < 3000, counts < 20000
allcells_cat_sub <- subset(allcells_cat, subset = nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < 3000 & nCount_RNA < 10000 & percent.mt < 0.2)

allcells_cat_plot1_sub <- FeatureScatter(allcells_cat_sub, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "percent.mt")
allcells_cat_plot2_sub <- FeatureScatter(allcells_cat_sub, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")

allcells_cat_plot1_sub + allcells_cat_plot2_sub 


# 3136 cells

All Cells - combined

Load the dataset

allcells_comb.data <- Read10X_h5(filename = '../../output/CellRanger/V3_genome/R1_AllCells_v3_comb_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5')

# Initialize the Seurat object with the raw (non-normalized data).
allcells_comb <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = allcells_comb.data, project = "AllCells3_comb", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)

#8406 cells

QC and selecting cells for further analysis

# The [[ operator can add columns to object metadata. This is a great place to stash QC stats

allcells_comb[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(allcells_comb, pattern = "^mle")

# Visualize QC metrics as a violin plot
VlnPlot(allcells_comb, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "percent.mt"), ncol = 3)

allcells_comb_plot1 <- FeatureScatter(allcells_comb, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "percent.mt")
allcells_comb_plot2 <- FeatureScatter(allcells_comb, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")
allcells_comb_plot1 + allcells_comb_plot2


# 8406 cells 

# subest for features > 200 and < 3000, counts < 20000
allcells_comb_sub <- subset(allcells_comb, subset = nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < 3000 & nCount_RNA < 10000 & percent.mt < 0.2)

allcells_comb_plot1_sub <- FeatureScatter(allcells_comb_sub, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "percent.mt")
allcells_comb_plot2_sub <- FeatureScatter(allcells_comb_sub, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")

allcells_comb_plot1_sub + allcells_comb_plot2_sub 


#3531 cells


Table 1. Summary table of cell counts numbers before and after QC filtering

  # Cells before filtering # Cells after filtering
AllCells (no mito) 3444 3224
AllCells (cat) 3335 3136
AllCells (comb) 8406 3531

In summary - I think that the concatenated version is the most conservative, therefore we should go with this approach. The combination (barnyard) method increases the number of cells, which gives me less confidence in the quality of these cells.

Written on March 27, 2024